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And the Talisman of Time

published by Portal Center Press, 2013

Rebecca is 13 years old and not enjoy it much...her parents recently split up, she lives in a new town, and now there's an important event coming up that she feels totally unprepared for. No one seems to understand. Then her world changes. Whole new dimensions of reality open up. The past is suddenly part of the present and what seemed so important before no longer matters...

"Rebecca"surely delivers! Podos has created so many layers of story that I felt like a kid in a candy store! There's humor, mystery, ghosts, magic, romance, adolescent insight, family dynamics, and running through it all, the powerful background of a rich faith tradition and the complexities the next generation will meet...This story will delight,enrich, and change your way of viewing the world"   

--The Rev. Dr. Barbara Campbell, Presbyterian pastor

Harry Potter meets the Baal Shem Tov meets every teen who has ever felt misunderstood. We are carried along with Rebecca as she faces her deepest fears, embraces her heritage, and risks her life for those who have gone before her.

--Cassandra Sagan, Maggid, Poet, InterPlay Leader

Available at, Barnes &, and from the Author

Watch this page for Batya's new novel for middle school readers and their families: 


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