A Short History
I started out as an actress but the lure of story called me and my path became one of a storyteller and educator. Along the way, I became a Visiting Artist in schools, a teacher of teachers, wrote a few plays and a novel, and introduced numerous middle school students to Shakespeare and the love of theatre. Now I tell stories and offer workshops in schools, theaters, and interfaith settings. I believe that stories connect us to each other, no matter our differences.
From 1983-1993, I lived in the U.K. and created storytelling programs for festivals and community events, engaging people to find their voices through storytelling. During that time, I taught student teachers at Leeds University and facilitated workshops for education and library professionals.

Upon returning to the States, I earned my teaching certificate and became a middle school drama/language arts teacher in New Mexico, Arizona, and Portland, Oregon until I retired in 2012.
That year, I received ordination as a Maggidah (storyteller and teacher) and Gabba'it (Reverend). In this capacity, I teach, lead worship services, perform marriages, and facilitate other life cycle ceremonies, as well as engage in interfaith work. And of course, tell stories.

In 2013, my novel Rebecca and the Talisman of Time was published by Portal Center Press and nominated for the Oregon Spirit Book Award. I have just finished my second novel for young readers.