Batya Podos
Stories from all over the world for children & adults
In the classroom to develop literacy, language, writing skills & to empower students to find their voices
As a workshop leader offering in-service training to educational professionals on the use of story and narrative to enhance curriculum & meet State standards
As a facilitator in team building and communications for other professionals & clergy
At festivals, theatres, conferences, community centers, houses of worship, libraries, hospitals, museums & wherever you are
To teach, inspire, entertain & connect

The Storyteller collects tales like beads on a string. Some may be of rare and precious material, others will be of common clay; some are crystal clear while others are opaque and mysterious; but all make up the necklace of shared human experience.
All services offered can be adapted to Zoom or other virtual media
An ordained storyteller, teacher & spiritual leader in the Jewish tradition
Tales from the Torah, Talmud, Jewish folklore & life experiences
Tales from all faiths that deal with transformation & our relationship with the Divine
In religious schools & houses of worship
For Religious Studies & Comparative Religions programs
Weddings, baby namings, funerals & other life cycle events
Bar/bat mitzvah preparation for Jewish youth and meaningful coming of age ceremonies
For any group wishing to explore spirituality through story